Apliqo UX 2.4 Webinar — check what’s new on this release
Apliqo UX is a modern, web based TM1 interface that can help you stop crunching numbers and start driving value for your business. As we released version 2.4 of Apliqo UX, on October 15th (Europe, US East Coast) and October 16th (Australia, PanAsia, US West Coast), join our free webinar and learn how you can: Make […]
Webinar Series on Unified Performance Management
Webinars are designed to learn more about the Apliqo UPM Solutions and how to implement a fully integrated financial and operational planning application by leveraging an already pre-built solution. Apliqo UPM Solutions embody best practices in financial planning, operational planning, and reporting. Apliqo UPM Solutions make critical information accessible, connected and understandable for business users […]