Your strategy is not linked to your financial planning.

Company strategy can be a fickle thing. As leaders, you’re charged with setting the direction of your organization and clarifying how you’re going to go about getting there. This leads to a lot of boardroom sessions, brainstorming, market research, and a carefully crafted plan that lays out how you’re going to achieve your stated objectives.

Your strategy is not linked to your financial planning

Company strategy can be a fickle thing. As leaders, you’re charged with setting the direction of your organization and clarifying how you’re going to go about getting there. This leads to a lot of boardroom sessions, brainstorming, market research, and a carefully crafted plan that lays out how you’re going to achieve your stated objectives.

But that’s the easy part.

Why does this happen?

Too often, that strategic thinking lives and dies in those boardrooms and doesn’t actually make its way to those on the ground. The message gets diluted, the incentives get blurred, and without realizing it – you find that everyone is pulling in different directions. Your strategic direction isn’t actually informing how your company is operating. There’s a strategic mismatch.

Typically, this mismatch happens because there isn’t alignment between the strategic imperatives and the actual performance management in all your various silos. No matter how many times you re-iterate a company mission or vision statement, the truth is that people follow incentives. As such, when your financial planning, measurement, and remuneration are not directly linked to what you’re trying to achieve strategically, you find that the wires get crossed.

This makes it incredibly difficult to make progress on long-term goals, or even to understand how your strategy is performing in the marketplace. As a result, you’re left with no clarity as to what’s working, what isn’t, and what can be changed to alter the direction.

It renders a lot of the hard work irrelevant and doesn’t allow for true strategic maneuvering.

Why does this


Too often, that strategic thinking lives and dies in those boardrooms and doesn’t actually make its way to those on the ground. The message gets diluted, the incentives get blurred, and without realizing it – you find that everyone is pulling in different directions. Your strategic direction isn’t actually informing how your company is operating. There’s a strategic mismatch.

Typically, this mismatch happens because there isn’t alignment between the strategic imperatives and the actual performance management in all your various silos. No matter how many times you re-iterate a company mission or vision statement, the truth is that people follow incentives. As such, when your financial planning, measurement, and remuneration are not directly linked to what you’re trying to achieve strategically, you find that the wires get crossed.

This makes it incredibly difficult to make progress on long-term goals, or even to understand how your strategy is performing in the marketplace. As a result, you’re left with no clarity as to what’s working, what isn’t, and what can be changed to alter the direction.

It renders a lot of the hard work irrelevant and doesn’t allow for true strategic maneuvering.

How do you align your strategic and financial planning?

Alignment is only possible when you’re using the right tools to scale holistic planning across your organization. Apliqo is built for exactly this purpose. It’s a feature-rich planning and analytics platform that is dedicated to bringing together your strategic and financial planning into the same universe.

By leveraging the analytics capabilities within the software, you can achieve alignment of objectives across a complex and fast-moving ecosystem.

It’s not just a software platform.

It’s a philosophy and methodology for running a firm that can effortlessly link both long-term and short-term objectives; financial and operational ones.

Once you realize the power of such alignment, you’ll never go back.

How do you align your

strategic and financial planning?

Alignment is only possible when you’re using the right tools to scale holistic planning across your organization. Apliqo is built for exactly this purpose. It’s a feature-rich planning and analytics platform that is dedicated to bringing together your strategic and financial planning into the same universe.

By leveraging the analytics capabilities within the software, you can achieve alignment of objectives across a complex and fast-moving ecosystem.

It’s not just a software platform.

It’s a philosophy and methodology for running a firm that can effortlessly link both long-term and short-term objectives; financial and operational ones.

Once you realize the power of such alignment, you’ll never go back.

If you're struggling with mismatched objectives and planning, now is the time to try Apliqo.

Get in touch today and let’s see how we can help you craft a more holistic planning environment for you organisation.

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If you're struggling with mismatched objectives and planning, now is the time to try Apliqo.

Get in touch today and let’s see how we can help you craft a more holistic planning environment for your organisation.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

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