You're not empowered to do analytics on your own data and instead you need to wait for BI team to get to your work in their queue

Many organizations have created a centralized business intelligence team that acts as a service function for all the other business units to utilize.  This makes sense because it encourages analytics excellence in that sphere, makes optimal usage of resources, and it represents a dedication to a strong analytics capability.  But what it doesn’t do is empower users to take things into their own hands.

Instead, they are forced to add their task to a queue and wait for results.  This can take any length of time and it breeds a certain level of helplessness when it comes to understanding their data.

What would happen if we could empower staff to do their own analytics?

You're not empowered to do analytics on your own data and instead you need to wait for your BI team to get to your work in their queue.

Many organizations have created a centralized business intelligence team that acts as a service function for all the other business units to utilize.  This makes sense because it encourages analytics excellence in that sphere, makes optimal usage of resources, and it represents a dedication to a strong analytics capability.  But what it doesn’t do is empower users to take things into their own hands.

Instead, they are forced to add their task to a queue and wait for results.  This can take any length of time and it breeds a certain level of helplessness when it comes to understanding their data.

What would happen if we could empower staff to do their own analytics?

The power of self-service analytics

When you allow individual users to run their own analytics, you empower them to take hold of their data and leverage it to make better decisions.  This provides a level of autonomy and corresponding accountability that self-starters love.  By shortening the feedback loop you create a space where leaders can be decisive and forward-thinking because they know that the data backs up what they’re trying to do.

This is not to say that all analytics needs to be self-service though.  There will always be a place for advanced analytics being done by trained professionals. 

But if your system can’t offer some level of analytical functionality to your average user, you risk alienating them from the system and disincentivizing them from using it.

Self-service analytics puts the power back in the hands of those on the ground, enabling faster decisions, more nuance in day-to-day operations, and a feeling of control that promotes a better alignment of incentives.

The power of

self-service analytics

When you allow individual users to run their own analytics, you empower them to take hold of their data and leverage it to make better decisions.  This provides a level of autonomy and corresponding accountability that self-starters love.  By shortening the feedback loop you create a space where leaders can be decisive and forward-thinking because they know that the data backs up what they’re trying to do.

This is not to say that all analytics needs to be self-service though.  There will always be a place for advanced analytics being done by trained professionals. 

But if your system can’t offer some level of analytical functionality to your average user, you risk alienating them from the system and disincentivizing them from using it.

Self-service analytics puts the power back in the hands of those on the ground, enabling faster decisions, more nuance in day-to-day operations, and a feeling of control that promotes a better alignment of incentives.

How Apliqo enables self-service analytics

Apliqo sits on top of the powerful IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) platform and provides a sophisticated and fully-featured interface that can be used by users of all kinds.  One of the most widely used features are the analytics that can be pulled in a wide variety of different ways.  Because of the way that the system is set up, any user can dig into their specific information and look for insights that can be applied to normal operations.

We love seeing how this empowers people to get their hands dirty and not shy away from the numbers because they seem complicated and fragile. Apliqo’s self-service analytics makes them real and somewhat tangible which drives towards better data-driven decisions across the board.

If you’re looking to give this gift to your users, be sure to get in touch today, and let’s explore how Apliqo can transform your organisation.

How Apliqo enables

self-service analytics

Apliqo sits on top of the powerful IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) platform and provides a sophisticated and fully-featured interface that can be used by users of all kinds.  One of the most widely used features are the analytics that can be pulled in a wide variety of different ways.  Because of the way that the system is set up, any user can dig into their specific information and look for insights that can be applied to normal operations.

We love seeing how this empowers people to get their hands dirty and not shy away from the numbers because they seem complicated and fragile. Apliqo’s self-service analytics makes them real and somewhat tangible which drives towards better data-driven decisions across the board.

If you’re looking to give this gift to your users, be sure to get in touch today, and let’s explore how Apliqo can transform your organisation.

Are you tired of waiting for someone else to get you your insights? Take control today with Apliqo FPM,

Get in touch today and let us show you how you can take your analytics back into your own hands.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

Are you tired of waiting for someone else to get you your insights? Take control today with Apliqo FPM.

Get in touch today and let us show you how you can take your analytics back into your own hands.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

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