The financial system we use is too rigid to adapt to our own unique business

Out-of-the-box financial planning solutions are compelling because the demonstrations, proofs of concept, and flashy sales pitches make them seem perfectly suited for your needs.  But, in time, many organizations realize that what they thought they needed didn’t play out like they thought it would.  Things change quickly in business and if the technology isn’t able to roll with the punches, then it becomes a relic that doesn’t serve the company any longer.

It becomes too rigid.

The financial system we use is too rigid to adapt to our own unique business

Out-of-the-box financial planning solutions are compelling because the demonstrations, proofs of concept, and flashy sales pitches make them seem perfectly suited for your needs.  But, in time, many organizations realize that what they thought they needed didn’t play out like they thought it would.  Things change quickly in business and if the technology isn’t able to roll with the punches, then it becomes a relic that doesn’t serve the company any longer.

It becomes too rigid.

What impact does a rigid system ​have on performance?​

When a system is unable to adapt and adjust to changing business circumstances, it can become a tremendous source of pain and frustration for all those who work with it.  Things must go on, of course, and so users will resort to building tedious workarounds, simplifications, and shortcuts that only serve to kick the can down the road.  Instead of dealing with the root cause of the problem, it creates a more complicated mess for the people who eventually take over those processes and workflows.

And that is if a possible workaround can be found.  Often it can’t and you end up in the position where the constraints and rigidity of the system imposes itself on the business itself – changing the decisions that would have been made in a perfect situation.  This is a shame.

An overly rigid system leads to sub-optimal planning and analytics which then degrades the performance of the business units who rely on that technology.  It’s certainly not worth the money saved from buying an ill-fitting off-the-shelf solution.

There is a better way.

What impact does a rigid system

have on performance?

When a system is unable to adapt and adjust to changing business circumstances, it can become a tremendous source of pain and frustration for all those who work with it.  Things must go on, of course, and so users will resort to building tedious workarounds, simplifications, and shortcuts that only serve to kick the can down the road.  Instead of dealing with the root cause of the problem, it creates a more complicated mess for the people who eventually take over those processes and workflows.

And that is if a possible workaround can be found.  Often it can’t and you end up in the position where the constraints and rigidity of the system imposes itself on the business itself – changing the decisions that would have been made in a perfect situation.  This is a shame.

An overly rigid system leads to sub-optimal planning and analytics which then degrades the performance of the business units who rely on that technology.  It’s certainly not worth the money saved from buying an ill-fitting off-the-shelf solution.

There is a better way.

Leverage Apliqo's infinite configurability

IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) made a name for itself by introducing the concept of functional, multi-dimensional databases that are dynamic and lightning-fast.  This feature is what makes the platform so powerful and it lends itself to complete customisation in every way that you can think of.  You have infinite configurability to build a system that works for your unique organisation.  It stays true to the principles of robust financial planning and analytics but remains fully adjustable and adaptable in all the ways that matter.

Apliqo leverages this capability and takes it even further by providing an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for this configuration.  All that power would be wasted if it wasn’t simple and efficient – so that’s what we set out to build.  We’ve worked hard to remove as much friction and potential confusion as possible, giving you a blank canvas to build the financial system of your dreams. 

We’ve been blown away by the creativity and vast scope of different functionality that our clients have built for themselves and it just keeps accelerating.  When you use Apliqo for your financial planning, you can rest assured that you have a platform that can handle anything your business throws at it.  Forget about rigidity and bask in the value that a flexible and configurable system can provide.

It’s a game changer and we can’t wait for you to experience it.  Get in touch today and let’s discuss how you can bring this to your unique situation so that your system works for you, rather than against you.

Leverage Apliqo's

infinite configurability

IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) made a name for itself by introducing the concept of functional, multi-dimensional databases that are dynamic and lightning-fast.  This feature is what makes the platform so powerful and it lends itself to complete customisation in every way that you can think of.  You have infinite configurability to build a system that works for your unique organization.  It stays true to the principles of robust financial planning and analytics but remains fully adjustable and adaptable in all the ways that matter.

Apliqo leverages this capability and takes it even further by providing an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for this configuration.  All that power would be wasted if it wasn’t simple and efficient – so that’s what we set out to build.  We’ve worked hard to remove as much friction and potential confusion as possible, giving you a blank canvas to build the financial system of your dreams.

We’ve been blown away by the creativity and vast scope of different functionality that our clients have built for themselves and it just keeps accelerating.  When you use Apliqo for your financial planning, you can rest assured that you have a platform that can handle anything your business throws at it.  Forget about rigidity and bask in the value that a flexible and configurable system can provide.

It’s a game changer and we can’t wait for you to experience it.  Get in touch today and let’s discuss how you can bring this to your unique situation so that your system works for you, rather than against you.

If your current system is too rigid, it's time to try Aplico FPM.

Book a call today and let us show you what you’re missing out on.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

If your current system is too rigid, it's time to try Apliqo FPM.

Book a call today and let us show you what you’re missing out on.

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Wir sind stolz darauf, diese Unternehmen dabei unterstützt zu haben, besser zu planen.

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