Your financial planning and analytics workflows involve various tools and software that all have their own steep learning curves

When a planning system involves too many moving pieces it can start to become unwieldy and challenging for users to use effectively.  There is always going to be a learning curve of course, but you want the interface to be as intuitive and cohesive as possible.  When it is disjointed and complicated, you rapidly decrease its usefulness because users will shy away from making the most of what is possible.

Your financial planning and analytics workflows involve various tools and software that all have their own steep learning curves.

When a planning system involves too many moving pieces it can start to become unwieldy and challenging for users to use effectively.  There is always going to be a learning curve of course, but you want the interface to be as intuitive and cohesive as possible.  When it is disjointed and complicated, you rapidly decrease its usefulness because users will shy away from making the most of what is possible.

How an overwhelming user interface stymies progress

It doesn’t matter how advanced your financial and operational planning technology is if the front-end that your users rely on is difficult to navigate and use.  A poorly designed interface will drastically reduce the amount of value you can get from your operations because it turns users off from engaging with the software and makes it challenging to complete tasks in a reasonable time frame.

So while it may seem purely cosmetic to some, the truth is that a user-friendly interface is a key factor in achieving planning and analytics excellence.  It’s the secret weapon that unlocks the power of the planning methodologies that underlie your system.

How an overwhelming

user interface stymies progress

It doesn’t matter how advanced your financial and operational planning technology is if the front-end that your users rely on is difficult to navigate and use.  A poorly designed interface will drastically reduce the amount of value you can get from your operations because it turns users off from engaging with the software and makes it challenging to complete tasks in a reasonable time frame.

So while it may seem purely cosmetic to some, the truth is that a user-friendly interface is a key factor in achieving planning and analytics excellence.  It’s the secret weapon that unlocks the power of the planning methodologies that underlie your system.

Apliqo's user interface stands out from the rest

We made our name in the IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) space by creating a user interface that is accessible to everyone without compromising on data quality, features, or complexity management.  It is highly visual, focused on the things that really matter, and it doesn’t require weeks of training to get up and running.  All of this is on purpose because we want it to be as approachable as possible.

When you run all your planning and analytics in Apliqo you never have to worry about your team members missing out on the best features.  The interface is set up to encourage best practices across every aspect of the workflow.  It’s so simple that you might even forget just how complex things are under the hood.(

Apliqo's user interface

stands out from the rest

We made our name in the IBM Planning Analytics with Watson (TM1) space by creating a user interface that is accessible to everyone without compromising on data quality, features, or complexity management.  It is highly visual, focused on the things that really matter, and it doesn’t require weeks of training to get up and running.  All of this is on purpose because we want it to be as approachable as possible.

When you run all your planning and analytics in Apliqo you never have to worry about your team members missing out on the best features.  The interface is set up to encourage best practices across every aspect of the workflow.  It’s so simple that you might even forget just how complex things are under the hood.

Get the best user interface on the market. Try Apliqo FPM.

Book a call today and we can show you why Apliqo’s user interface stands out from the rest.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

Get the best user interface on the market. Try Apliqo FPM.

Book a call today and we can show you why Apliqo’s user interface stands out from the rest.

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We’re proud to have helped these companies plan better.

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