5 ways that CFOs create value in their organisation

5 ways that CFOs create value in their organisation

The role of a CFO is a highly prized one and one that carries significant cache within any company. It is one of the few positions that cover a broad scope of responsibilities both at a strategic level and within the lower day-to-day perspectives of running the FP&A activities. As such, a CFO’s focus can easily slide if they don’t have a clear understanding of what the priorities are and how they’re driving real value in the company.

In this article, we’re going to explore 5 key ways that CFOs create value – and how the various Apliqo solutions can accelerate them.

Workforce Attrition Modelling

Workforce attrition modelling

When you’re embarking on a long-term mission with your company, one of the most common challenges that you face is the impact of staff turnover. With every change in your team comes reduced continuity, increased training costs, and a risk that a misguided replacement hire can slow down growth and progress. However, this is not a risk that you can ever eliminate because some level of staff turnover is unavoidable. The only thing you can do is manage it as effectively as you can.

Let’s explore what that looks like in the context of the modern business environment.