5 ways that CFOs create value in their organisation

The role of a CFO is a highly prized one and one that carries significant cache within any company. It is one of the few positions that cover a broad scope of responsibilities both at a strategic level and within the lower day-to-day perspectives of running the FP&A activities. As such, a CFO’s focus can easily slide if they don’t have a clear understanding of what the priorities are and how they’re driving real value in the company.
In this article, we’re going to explore 5 key ways that CFOs create value – and how the various Apliqo solutions can accelerate them.
The role of the CFO as a strategist and value creator

While a CFO has always been more strategically involved than the rest of their team, there is still a lot of opportunity for growth and, in forward-looking teams, we’re seeing things change quite quickly.
How scenario stress-testing can help you weather the recession

After years of economic expansion, we’re finally seeing the tide turn again as we enter what looks like it will be an extended recession. When you consider the impact of the pandemic, widespread inflation, war in Ukraine, and supply chain issues across the board – this is not something that should surprise us. But if you haven’t been paying attention and considering the impact of a recession on your business, you might find yourself in that position.
Unify your FP&A process and never lose track of the bigger picture

In order to drive real value for an organization, FP&A needs to ditch its traditional accounting role for a seat at the executive table. Rather than just crunching numbers and producing obligatory finance statements, companies are counting on their finance teams to drive value by informing key strategic decision-making
Expanding the horizons of your planning with Integrated Business Planning

Operational plans are crucial to any business; without them, a company would have no way to analyse the efficiency of the operations that keep it running. Unfortunately, however, properly gauging the effectiveness of your operational plans is extremely difficult if they aren’t integrated with company strategy.
How A CFO Deals With Christmas Stress!

While the holiday season is, for many, one of the most wonderful times of the year, it can also be extremely stressful. Hanging decorations, writing Christmas cards and, of course, buying and wrapping gifts, can easily add up to turn Christmas and New Year’s into an organisational nightmare.
Using driver-based planning and analytics to boost sales

Driver-based planning is far from a new concept, but it never ceases to amaze how many organisations are still stuck in traditional budgeting and forecasting routines.
Tips for successful HR Management: Uniting HR and FP&A to avoid financial surprises

Most people traditionally think of HR and Finance as two very different company departments; the former handles the organisation’s workforce, while the latter handles its finances. However, the two are more closely connected than you might think.
Every Report Is Only as Good as Its Visualisation and Presentation

FP&A is about much more than crunching numbers, it is about driving better business decisions and helping steer the company ship in the right direction.
Why Business Partnering is Key for Successful FP&A

FP&A has traditionally been a trunk-of-the-car operation, focused on producing numbers, analysing them, and sending out reports and analysis to key company stakeholders/decision makers.