Every Report Is Only as Good as Its Visualisation and Presentation
FP&A is about much more than crunching numbers, it is about driving better business decisions and helping steer the company ship in the right direction.
Why Business Partnering is Key for Successful FP&A
FP&A has traditionally been a trunk-of-the-car operation, focused on producing numbers, analysing them, and sending out reports and analysis to key company stakeholders/decision makers.
Key Takeaways from the Apliqo FP&A Masterclass with Jack Alexander
This year, we wrapped up our first instalment of the Apliqo FP&A Masterclass with Jack Alexander. With over 40 years of experience, Jack walked us through everything from the imperatives of COVID-19 to how to implement key FP&A best practices such as Scenario Planning, Rolling Forecasts, and more.
Preparing for the Unknown: How to Use Scenario Analysis to Project Drastic Changes
As finance professionals, one of our biggest challenges is helping organisations prepare for the future. Unfortunately, even the biggest finance departments still aren’t equipped with crystal balls allowing us to see 3, 6, or 12 months ahead of time.
5 things that’ll make you a better FP&A Professional after joining our Masterclass with Jack Alexander
This year, we were proud to launch the first instalment of our exclusive Masterclass series with CFO turned advisor, author, and business coach, Jack Alexander.
Talking Talent: Why Is Talent Important in FP&A?
FP&A is getting a major makeover. Rather than just pumping out quarterly reports and other finance formalities, CFOs and finance professionals are expected to take on far more strategic roles at their organisations.
Dynamic driver-based planning: Introducing rolling forecasts
When I started my finance career over 15 years ago, the role of CFOs and finance professionals was purely accounting orientated.
The Biggest Challenges Facing FP&A in the Future
Companies are realising the huge potential of FP&A. Rather than thinking of financial planning and analytics as a financial support function, companies have made it their top priority to use FP&A to drive real value and growth.
The Key to Nailing FP&A Digital Transformation
Digitalisation is a hot topic. Not only does it promise to streamline tedious and time-consuming FP&A processes, but it could also pave the way for CFOs like you to trade in their accounting hats and instead serve the role of active business strategists.
Reinventing The Wheel: Best Practices To Transform Your Business Projections
At Apliqo, we’re very focused on the changing role of CFOs and FP&A. And while making reliable projections about a company’s performance has long been a key responsibility of finance executives and their teams, these projections are now more important than ever and need the collaboration of the whole organisation.