What is wrong with budgeting and planning?

This is explained firstly by the business environment, which has become increasingly dynamic and complex over the past decade, so making planning and budgeting more challenging. Secondly, many decision-makers also stated that the quality of their planning outcomes is not good enough, with too little attention paid to strategic aspects in the planning process. What […]
Apliqo inside: 5 Questions To Manny Perez

What is your role at Apliqo and how does your work impact the development of Apliqo C3? As Technology Executive at Apliqo my concern is to deliver sustained value to our customers. This is achieved when we relentlessly seek simplicity, completeness, scalability and flexibility. Of these, the most important and hardest to achieve is simplicity. […]
Success factor: User acceptance

While the underlying market conditions are continually changing and the demands placed on management are constantly increasing, it is essential to ensure a continuous improvement in the performance of the company as a whole at all times. This represents an enormous challenge for the management team. The interplay between the creation of business concepts and […]